Thursday, October 23, 2008


This is about two candidates. There names are Democratic Barack Obama and Republican John McCain. Also it is talking about economy, war in Iraq, and energy. Obama is say he would lower poor and middle-class families that can not or afford to pay there taxes. The wealthy will have to pay there own taxes. Also he will bring back troops from Iraq that has been gone 18 months from office. Last he says that we should concentrate more on the sun (solar powered), wind (wind turbines), and water (hydroelectric). Obama says belief in yourself, in each other, an in the future we can build together.
John McCain is another person that is trying to be next president. McCain sees that we are running low on oil that we get from foreign countries, and McCain says we should start building more wind turbines, and more solar powered technologies. Also McCain is going to make the troops to stay in Iraq to keep on fighting. The Iraqis government and military will become weak and useless if the troops are to stay there. Last he will developed energy sources, like nuclear, solar, and wind power and it will help the environment and the people.


CheRiiShh said...

so who do yew think would be best for running our countryyy??
0bama 0r McCain??
im all for 0BAMA! WOO! =]

carlando said...

this was an interesting aticle about obama an mccain. good job!

Kyle said...

very nice blog!
who would you vote for President?
im thinkn OBAMA!!!

Melanie said...

Niice summary of the two prez'z i liked it.... and oh yeah?!?!? OBAMA RULES!!!!!!!!! but good job!

Ty said...

good article Obama all the way..

brendan said...

wow that is a great summary about obama and mccain but yeah it was pretty good